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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Balinese Odyssey

Bali - the Island of the Gods, a fabled land that evokes images of picturesque beaches , lush tropical forests, verdant paddy fields  and alluring artforms in our minds, a land of exotic people with their simplicity and humility coupled with innate love for nature and beauty, is an island worth visiting to rejuvenate your body, mind and soul.
A land strictly not meant for the aesthetically-challenged, Bali is predominantly inhabited by village folk who revere art, artforms and artistes.  

"Om Swasti Astu", our Balinese "taksi" driver greets us as he helps us into the cab.
The long drive from Dempasar airport to Ubud, Central Bali is interesting. Prajit and I marvel at the rustic charm of the land, the tropical greenery and the fine workmanship of artisans exhibited by the buildings along the narrow road. The elaborate roof tiles , pillars , gates and pedestals of ordinary houses embody the Balinese belief in beauty and art. Our driver is pleased to know that we are Indians. "You come from the land of Ganga and Mahabharata? Goood. I am very happy to know. I am also Hindu !" , he exclaims. We pass by a gigantic statue of Khatothkach." Most Balinese people are  Hindus. We have many temples  here ", he adds.

In the evening we reach our bungalow at Agung Raka, Ubud. We find ourselves escorted to a cozy wooden bungalow, amidst paddy fields. But for the roosting birds and a persistent cricket, the place is serene and wonderful.
View from our Bungalow
The Bungalow @ Agung Raka

1 comment:

  1. Did you read Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert? That's where I first read about Bali and how steeped it is in its unique culture.
    The emerald landscape is so soothing to the eye -especially mine now that I see only sky scrapers and sand! :(
    Keep writing...:)
